Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Breaking the silence
I have been rather silent about the "issue" we have had with one commentator. In addition, I have been rather surprised at how much seems to have been read into my post on the blessing of children, evidenced by several comments. I am thankful to other commentators who rebutted some of the mistaken assumptions of some readers.

The comment activity has interested me, even worried me. I'm not sure I even want to address the series of comments that seem to me to be both rude and illogical. At least in the case of one person's comments, I don't feel that whatever else I might post by way of rebuttal will be respected and received fairly. I can only assume that what is being revealed in those comments is a sign that something else is "the issue". That's not a game I can play. But, I can and I have taken up Fr. Tharp's excellent exhortation to pray. A bit to my surprise, I even found myself thinking of that intention during my Sunday Masses when we pray "Lord, may this sacrifice, which has made our peace with you, advance the peace and salvation of all the world" (Eucharistic Prayer III). Amen. May it be so.

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