Tuesday, June 29, 2004

The Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul

I particularly liked this image when I saw it. So often Christians of differing stripes want to put these two men at odds, as though you had to choose between St. Peter or St. Paul. The Catholic way is take them both. St. Peter, and the office given to him and to his successors, reminds us that definitive revelation needs a definitive arbiter. Through the power of binding and loosing that the keys give, St. Peter gives us a confidence in knowing that the Gospel will be able to speak to every age, if written and first spoken many ages ago. St. Paul points out the effect of such a confidence. With confidence in the faith that St. Peter and his successors and those in communion with him hands on to us, we rise again to call not just those we think should hear the message, but also all the "Gentiles," those we had written off as being beyond God's approach.

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