Thursday, March 03, 2005

Well, I wanted to get the attention of Cardinal Pell...

Last afternoon, I got back to the parish after a couple of days of business in Oklahoma City. On Sunday, I had my regular 3rd Order Dominican Meeting which was wonderful. I gave a little lecture on how to pray the Liturgy of the Hours, and accordingly Evening Prayer went much more smoothly. On Monday, I took part in the UCO Catholic College Students Fundraiser. This project began under the leadership of Fr. Hamilton when he was the parochial vicar at St. John's in Edmond. The fundraiser consists in a prominent speaker lecturing and a dinner before it. This year's speaker, Dr. Teresa Burke, the creator of the Rachel's Vineyard Retreat, blew people away with the facts about abortion's occurance and the aftermath of abortion. On Tuesday, I sat down and tried to chew through my jugular vein as I attended a Business Meeting for the Priests of the Archdiocese. In truth, it was rendered much more pleasant by having dinner with beloved brother priests, especially my fellow blogger, Fr. H. Also, we came up with an exciting idea, we that is the dinner group, but more on that later.

As I was saying, I returned to the parish yesterday and found a packet from The Record, the diocesan newspaper from Perth in Western Austrailia. Apparently, the paper did a cover piece on CRM and the review was very favorable. However, I forgot to ask for copies for Fr. H and Fr. G, so if the editor is reading this, send me an email so that I can give you their addresses and they can have a copy as well. As for me, I will be slicing this out and having it framed. I am not sure if the article will bring accolades from Cardinal Pell, but we will see.

There was one interesting paragraph that I wanted to share with you all. The unnamed author writes:
Another interesting aspect of what they are doing, although I'm not sure that this was specifically their intention, is that when orders such as the Dominicans first started out they went out into the highways and byways, the markest and the pubs and places like these to preach the Gospel of Jesus. Today, I wonder where are we, as Catholics, doing this? A place called Almost Precious Nowhere, is my guess. But one possible answer is the Internet; it is in many ways, the marketplace of ideas for the 21st century.
To answer these questions, 1.) yes, there was that intention in the blog's origin. Techmonkey Dave, once the blog really hit, said, "What you are doing in the quintessence of the New Evangelization." 2.) Given my third order status, isn't that interesting that he compared the blog to the work of the Dominicans. If I find that the article is available online, I will link it back here.

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