Wednesday, May 11, 2005

My Anniversary

Originally uploaded by frjcmaximilian

Actually this is more of just a test to see if I have figured out how to post pictures to the Blog via Flickr. Since I use a Mac, Blogger makes posting anything except for basic text more challenging.

However, my first anniversary of being a priest is this Sunday (Pentecost), May 15. Not only is it Pentecost this year, but May 15 is the feast day of St. Dymphna (no longer on the liturgical calendar), the patron saint of those with mental illnesses and those who work with people with mental illnesses. Since I am a psychologist, I have a devotion to St. Dymphna so I thought is a signal grace to be ordained on her feast day. Interestingly, I am on duty this Sunday, so I have the baptisms, and the only child's mother's name is Dymphna, the only living Dymphna I have known.

The first year as a priest has been a real blessing, even though it has had a big cross, namely finding out I have cancer. I keep meaning to sit down and write a "reflection" on my first year as a priest, but finding the time, especially now that we are down a priest (he got recalled by his diocese in the Philippines), is a challenge.

OK, let's see if this works.

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