Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Prepare the way of the Lord!
Some great Advent preparations are going on around the Catholic world these days. My parish had its Advent Penance Rite last night. We had five visiting priests plus me to assist with confessions. The priests had a nice dinner beforehand and some time to relax and fraternize. And the most important thing of all was the some 140 people (I estimate) who attended the rite and were able to have individual confession! The gospel this past Sunday noted about the results of John the Baptist's work: "People of the whole Judean countryside and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem were going out to him ... as they acknowledged their sins" (cf. Mk. 1:1-8). Now I am not claiming that all the inhabitants of Kingfisher and environs came out to confession, but 140 is a great showing. Repentance is such an important work, or way of life, for Christians!

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