Friday, January 26, 2007

Before I go to the office, a brief announcement

I finally have gotten off of my duff and am setting out to start three new things for myself, one of which will benefit readers at least potentially.

1. Monday I am going to Weight Watchers. One of you in the Edmond area offered to go with me. I would like that. Call me at the rectory so we can arrange schedules.
2. Monday I am starting to take my whole day off. This is something that Fr. H has been insisting I do and finally I am starting to see his point. Not that I am pigheaded...
3. By the middle of February, I hope to have up and running the Oklahoma City Chesterton Society. I am starting in the OKC area because it centrally located and all that. I need to find a place that I can host it and we can have drinks and such. The meetings will be monthly on Mondays. And I promise even if it is just a couple of us reading together, that's a good enough start for me.

I'll keep you posted.

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