Wednesday, September 15, 2004

A Little Something For My Brother Priests

With the Year of the Holy Eucharist fast upon us, I have been working up some ideas for the parish to mark this special celebration. As I sat around and thought about it, I realized that I had left myself out of the calculation. I started to ask myself how I personally was going to observe the special pontifical year. Here's my first idea.

Traditionally, there are a set of prayers a priest should say as he is vesting and preparing to celebrate Mass. I typed these up and placed a set in the sacristy of each of my missions so that I can more deeply engage the Sacred Mysteries. I reprint them here for the benefit of my brother priests:

The Washing of Hands Before Mass:
Give virtue, O Lord, to my hands, that every stain may be wiped away; that I may be enabled to serve you without defilement of mind or body.

The Amice:
Place, O Lord, on my head the helmet of salvation, that I may overcome the assaults of the devil.

The Alb:
Purify me, Lord, from all stain and cleanse my heart, that, washed in the blood of the Lamb, I may enjoy eternal delights.

The Cincture:
Gird me, O Lord, with the cincture of purity, and quench in my heart the fire of concupiscence, that the virtue of continence and chastity may remain in me.

The Stole:
Restore to me, O Lord, the state of immortality which was lost to me by my first parents, and, although I am unworthy to approach your sacred mysteries, grant me nevertheless eternal joy.

The Chasuble:
O Lord, who said, "My yoke is sweet and my burden light," grant that I may carry it so as to obtain your grace.

Statement of Intention:
My purpose is to celebrate Mass and to make present the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the Rite of the Holy Roman Church to the praise of our all-powerful God and all His assembly in the glory of heaven, for my good and the good of all his pilgrim Church on earth, and for all who have asked me to pray for them in general and in particular, and for the good of the Holy Roman Church.
May the almighty and merciful Lord grant us joy and peace, amendment of life, room for true repentance, the grace and comfort of the Holy Spirit, and perseverance in good works.

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