Sunday, May 08, 2005

The Men in Blue
I have been in an emotionally exhausted fog for several days now, but a simple, small act of kindness today really brightened my morning. I thought I would share it with you.

Today was my Sunday to go to our mission parish an hour away. I had to get gas before leaving town, so I stopped at a local gas station. I used the handy debit card pump to get the car filling up, while I ran inside for another grand breakfast-on-the-run: gas station coffee and some company's version of a cheese danish (can anyone say: moist ball of flour and sugar?!). I stepped inside the station store and noticed two local police officers were getting some soda. One greeted me, "Good morning, Father." They moved off to purchase their drinks. I got my coffee and picked out my delicious danish. I went to the counter to pay and as I was reaching for my wallet I noticed that same police officer who had greeted me (now outside) was walking away from my car. He waved and moved back in the direction of his car. I wasn't quite sure what was going on. I finished my transaction inside the store and went back outside to find that the police officer had gone over to my car and topped off my gas tank, so that it was full and ready to go by the time I exited the store!

Now, that was an incredibly easy task. It didn't take long. He accomplished it with one free hand (the other holding an enormous beverage). And he must have read my mind, noticing my tendency to top off the gas with nice, round numbers (It was a right-on-the-nose $24.00 of gas!). A simple task that really made my morning. As I pulled out of the gas station, I told myself that I need to pass that kindness on to someone else some day. Perhaps you can too. So, here's to our police officers who bravely protect us and proudly serve us! God bless you and keep you!

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