Thursday, February 19, 2004

Better by One

You call a group of monkeys a troop. I knew that the instant this blog hit the net other ragemonkeys, Catholic or otherwise, would seek refuge here and perhaps even find a voice.

I am pleased after some negotiation that we will be adding a new blogger to this site, Fr. Stephen Hamilton. Fr. Hamilton is also a priest of Oklahoma City, currently on assignment in the panhandle. Fr. Hamilton is an illustrious alumnus of the North American College in Rome with an STL in Spiritual Theology. Fr. H has been known to delve into the subjects of moral theology since that is what seems most important to Joe Parishioner.

While I remain 'alpha-male' (his word, not mine) of the blog, he doesn't have to check in with me before posting. So, if you have a complaint, scream at him and not me.

Welcome to the troop, Fr. Hamilton. I think everyone will be interested in hearing from you.

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