Sunday, August 29, 2004

A Day of New Beginnings

This morning, in Alva, Oklahoma, the air temperature is hovering around 64, a glistening halo of sylvan bliss that hints perhaps summer begins her retreat. After a brutal summer, that would be most welcome of new beginnings.

Today, a new beginning for me starts. This evening, I will be celebrating the initiation of two men into the local Third Order Dominican chapter, and I am one of these two. For the last 2 years or so, I have been discerning some spiritual issues that revolve around the religious life, and this is a first step of sorts. If I am called upon to give a name for religious profession, I am inclined to select either "Ambrose" or "Damien." Why am I so inclined is another story.

Please pray for me that I may become an excellent and worthy son of St. Dominic.

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