Friday, February 09, 2007

Latin. Good for the heart...
It certainly is good for this pastor's Roman heart. After morning Mass today I stuck around the church to assist the children's choir of our school with pronunciation and singing of Latin Mass parts. We will be making more use of the Latin parts during Lent. It is also nice to hear children's voices leading music, especially at Mass. I am happy they are learning the Latin Mass parts so they will be aware, at least somewhat, of the great treasury of sacred music in the Church.


Anonymous said...

I am thrilled to know that they will be singing some Latin--we might have to make a road trip during Lent or Easter.

Anonymous said...

Is it bad that the only latin I remember by heart is:

Ubi Ubi Sub Ubi


Semper Ubi Sub Ubi

and of course the conjugations of SUM.

Christina said...

Mmm. Good music and good Latin. A beautiful combination. Like Chocolate and Caramel. :)

Fr. Philip Powell, OP said...

Hey, Fr. H., did you teach them any of those cool hand gestures that accompany irregular declensions?


Anita Moore said...

Wait a second: I thought the hoi polloi didn't have the intellectual firepower to cope with Latin...and here are KIDS learning it!

Your prayers would be appreciated for a little schola in my city that is devoted to the revival of Gregorian Chant, in accordance with the letter of Vatican II, as opposed to the "spirit." The leading light of this group is stouthearted in the face of resistance, and we are making real progress, even though we don't yet have a director. We'd like to find a qualified director who will be faithful to the schola's mission, and we'd like to be able to spread Gregorian Chant like wildfire.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to learn a little Latin. I have one of those word-a-day (actually phrases-a-day)calenders but it doesn't help much with the pronunciation.

Today's "word" is, for the 13th, 'angelo nutiante' and tomorrow is amor vincit omnia which you'd expect on Valentin's Day.

Fr. H (or anyone) Do you have any suggestions about study materials, especially audio?

Please email me


Niall Mor said...


Anonymous said...

Latin, Latin good for the heart...
the more you hear...
the more you...

Anonymous said...

Latin, Latin good for the heart...
the more you hear...
the more you...